Not All Balloons Are Suitable For Filling With Helium!

We have been asked many times why balloons, often found in supermarkets, sometimes bear a warning that they are not suitable for helium-filling. Contrary to popular belief, they are not dangerous when filled with Helium. They don't float, contrary to popular belief. All balloons can be filled with Helium in theory, but not all will flow. To avoid disappointment, and unnecessary expense, continue reading to learn which balloons will float and which won't. A rule of thumb is that small balloons won't float or for long periods. Because the balloon's weight and the amount of Helium you can put in it won't allow them to flow, even if they do float, that is not a good rule of thumb. When you want to make a balloon lighter than air, every gram counts. The size and type of the balloons will also play a critical role in how much weight they can lift. Latex balloons that are 9 inches or larger will work fine. If you need your latex balloons floating for longer than a few hour...